
About Us

Fernwayer is a Marketplace for Curated Travel Experiences.

Book. Plan. Connect.

Our Mission

We empower Travelers to make memories through experiential travel they organize on their own. As a result, Travelers will connect directly with talented Experience Makers; and in turn, local businesses, communities, and cultures will sustainably thrive.

We Believe

Experience is the ultimate luxury: going beyond traditional comfort with uncompromised exclusivity, authentic connection, and rare, hard-to-access activities.

Hotels and flights should be arranged to center around Experiences— not the other way around.

Talented Experience Makers, who bring expertise, passion and insight, make travel truly transformative.

The best itineraries are those you create. A blend of self-exploration with the immersiveness of guided Experiences makes travel a precious adventure, meaningful and worthwhile.

Travel goals should be cast far and wide; there are so many experiences to be lived in one life.

Our name is inspired by the German word ‘fernweh’, meaning ‘farsickness’ or an aching for distant places.

Values That Drive Us


Extending warmth, friendliness, and hospitality in a safe and supportive environment that promotes respect, inclusion, and acceptance for all, reinforcing comfort even in unfamiliar places and situations.


Unlocking new worlds, perspectives, and possibilities with a sense of wonder, propelling us to become stronger, braver, and better versions of ourselves.


Connecting, inspiring, educating, and fostering empathy to understand the world and each other in profound and meaningful ways.


Combining individual passion and talent with partnership and co-creation, to bring the highest standards of professionalism and customer service.


Using our collective wisdom and positive efforts to make cultures and communities accessible now and preserve them for generations to come.

Let’s make friends in new places.